Tolerance Model - Can You Guarantee Deliverables?
- Normal production
- Disaster occurs
- Disaster is noticed
- Response is decided
- Recovery begins
- Recovery validation begins
- Disaster level "production" begins"
- Plan normal production site
- Back to normal production mode
- T1 Pre-Recovery initiation
- T2 Recovery & Validation
- T3 Post-Recovery Production
There are several timeframes shown above, which you should address and more clearly define, then communicate to your staff, shareholders, suppliers and customers.
- The "noise level" between the dotted lines of "tolerable" and above "intolerable".
- The amount of time between and within each of the Continuity Stages T1, T2 and T3.
- The time frame between time 2 (Disaster Occurs) and time 7 (Disaster level production begins), identified as the Recovery Time Objective (RTO).
Since you are usually unable to completely hide a disruption, a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) must be defined for the level of requirements and functionality expected between a) the Disaster occurs (time 2) and Disaster level production (time 7) and b) the post recovery / disaster production (time 7) and the "Back to Normal" (time 9). There also must be Plan components supporting the interval before the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is reached.
For a business, the overall Business Continuity Plan should include detailed and specific Plans for the areas of Crisis Management, Media Interface, Technology, Workplace, Staff and User Operational Procedures. Do not assume you are ready. Plan to be ready.
Let us know how Business Contingency Preparedness can assist your company with preparedness for unforseen disasters.